Sunday, September 15, 2024

21: CtC Secret Santa 2024: IST (part 2)

Three more puzzles from 2024's CtC Secret Santa. All new genres basically.

Part 1 here


Coincidentally this is probably the best original genre, and the hardest puzzle in the set.
The example is also intentionally hard, so much so it gets a difficulty rating of its own.


Draw lines along cell borders. Each connected region enclosed by the lines must be a parallelogram (quadrilateral with opposite sides parallel and equal).
A vertex of a region may coincide with vertices of other regions, but may not otherwise lie atop a side of a different region.
Number clues in grid nodes indicate the number of regions among the (up to six) adjacent cells.


Difficulty: [★★★☆☆]

Main puzzle

Difficulty: [★★★★☆]



Draw lines along cell borders to divide the board into several orthogonally connected regions. Each region must consist of at least two cells. No 2x2 square may lie entirely within a single region.
Circles mark all cells that are orthogonally adjacent to exactly one other cell within their respective regions. Number clues represent the number of cells that can be seen in a straight line vertically or horizontally, including the cell itself (region borders and board edges block vision).


Main puzzle

Difficulty: [★★★☆☆]

Tetromino Park


Shade some cells to form several tetrominoes that do not touch orthogonally.
Unshaded cells must form a single orthogonally connected region.
Clue cells must not be shaded. A clue contains as many symbols as there are tetrominoes overlapping the (up to 8) adjacent cells. Each symbol is repeated as many times as there are neighbouring tetrominoes of that type (in any rotated of reflected form). A question mark stands for a single tetromino of any type.


Main puzzle

Difficulty: [★★★☆☆]

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21: CtC Secret Santa 2024: IST (part 2)

Three more puzzles from 2024's CtC Secret Santa. All new genres basically. Part 1 here