Sunday, November 3, 2024

#22: CtC Secret Santa 2024: MAS (part 3)

 The final three puzzles, relatively on the easier side.

Mirror Cave


Shade some cells in the grid. All unshaded cells must form an orthogonally connected region.
Each shaded region must be orthogonally connected to the border of the grid.
Double green lines are two-sided mirrors. Unshaded cells seen orthogonally in directions away from the mirror's faces must have mirror symmetry (shaded cells block vision). A mirror must not be inside or lie on the border of a shaded cell.


Main puzzle

Difficulty: [★★⯪☆☆]

All or Not


Draw lines through orthogonally adjacent cells to form a loop. The loop may not branch or visit any cell more than once.
The loop must visit each region exactly once.
In any pair of consecutively visited regions, one must have all cells visited, and one must have at least one cell unvisited.


Main puzzle

Difficulty: [★★★☆☆]

Santa’s Merry Sleigh Ride


Standard Simple Loop (Crossing variant) rules:
Draw lines between orthogonally adjacent cells to form a loop that visits all cells. The loop may visit some cells twice, but must travel straight through an intersection each time, and must not otherwise retrace or cross itself.
Letters H and O must alternate along the loop (each visit of a letter counts separately).


Main puzzle

Difficulty: [★★★☆☆]

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#26: Castle Wall

 Standard Castle Wall rules . Difficulty: [ ★⯪☆☆☆ ] Solve on Solve on PuzSq (