Monday, March 25, 2024

#4: Tring-Tring

This is my first genre that took off somewhat. It's an adaptation of the classic Nikoli's ring-ring for a hex grid, with triangles replacing rectangles. There's quite a bit of new interesting logic arising from this.

After sharing several puzzles at CtC server, I've discovered that Esther (echo) had previously created something very similar at the very same server. Subsequently, Pedro PSI has implemented this genre in his Kudamono project, as well as a few variants, and it's also been featured at PuzzleSquareJP.

Puzzles below are the very first ones I've shared at CtC. They're all fairly challenging, and the genre itself is very tricky, so feel free to have a go at easier ones using links above.


Draw lines between pairs of cells with common sides to form triangular loops. Each cell must be covered by some part of a loop.

Loops may intersect each other, as long as the intersection is not a corner of any loop. Loops may not overlap or share corners.

Here's a small example by Pedro:

Tring-tring (original)

Difficulty (select to make visible): ★★⯪☆☆

Equilateral Thinking

Difficulty (select to make visible): ★★★☆☆

Super Hexagon

Difficulty (select to make visible): ★★★☆☆

Wait For It

Difficulty (select to make visible): ★★★⯪☆

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#26: Castle Wall

 Standard Castle Wall rules . Difficulty: [ ★⯪☆☆☆ ] Solve on Solve on PuzSq (