Saturday, March 16, 2024

#1: Skyscrapers (Rooftops)

These are the very first puzzles I made, and shared at the Cracking the Cryptic Discord server. I'm still mostly happy with them.

To my knowledge this exact variation is novel, although similar rulesets had certainly been flirted with many times over.

I really wanted to make a sudoku with this ruleset, but that will have to wait for some other day.


Skyscrapers variation. Place a number from 1 to N in each cell (N being the size of the grid), without duplicates sharing a row or a column. Some numbers may already be given.

Number in each cell represents a building of the corresponding height located in this cell. Corner clues in cells specify the number of other cells visible "from the rooftop" of the building, looking in the four orthogonal directions. Buildings lower than your current height are not visible, and higher buildings block lower buildings behind them.

Formally, a cell y is visible from a cell x if:

  • x and y are in the same row or column,
  • y has higher number than x,
  • there is no cell with a number higher than y between x and y.

Looking Up

Difficulty (select to make visible): ★⯨☆☆☆

6 Squared

Difficulty (select to make visible): ★★☆☆☆


Difficulty (select to make visible): ★★★☆☆


Difficulty (select to make visible): ★★★★☆

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#26: Castle Wall

 Standard Castle Wall rules . Difficulty: [ ★⯪☆☆☆ ] Solve on Solve on PuzSq (