Saturday, April 13, 2024

#9: Vertigo Part 2: Advanced

Part 1 here

Let's continue with Vertigo, getting into slightly harder territory. Spoilers (hints and difficulty estimates) are hidden in square brackets, [like this].

Quick reminder about the


Draw a single loop travelling orthogonally through the centers of all empty cells. The loop may visit some cells twice, but must travel straight through such cells each time. The loop can not otherwise self-overlap or self-intersect.
While travelling along the loop, all 90 degree turns must have the same direction (all left or all right).


  • [A big family of deductions is concerned with cells that have three exits remaining: assume one of the exits is blocked, and see if the two forced lines create an issue. This works best near borders, or if there are many lines in one of the directions.]
  • [If a corner line makes an early turn, it usually needs to extend quite a bit more before turning again to avoid making an isolated loop.]

Thin Air


  • [A line without "true" turns can usually turn in either direction. However, sometimes all cases to extend one side of the line result in the same turn direction, which allows to make deductions with that.]
Difficulty: [★★⯪☆☆]

Vertigo (original)

The very first puzzle in this genre I made.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! I remember trying one of these as my first one a few months back. It felt great to come back to them after having become more familiar with the genre and all its lovely logic!


#26: Castle Wall

 Standard Castle Wall rules . Difficulty: [ ★⯪☆☆☆ ] Solve on Solve on PuzSq (